Friday, September 6, 2013

I had a really big weekend where I partied, ate lots of food and had a few drinks. What should I do?

Be happy you enjoyed yourself. Life is too short to be too worried about breaking your diet. Just get back onto the diet and you'll find the effect of the excess food and drink won't hang around for very long.

What I found is if you do break your diet by having a night out, your weight does increase. I put some of this down to increased liquid, waste food in the intestines and some weight gain due to excess energy intake being converted to fat.

Liquid will pass through your body fairly quickly, but keep in mind waste in your intestines can take two to three days to pass through. All you then need to be concerned about is the energy converted to fat and chances are it wasn't really that much after all. In fact if you party on the Saturday and get back onto the diet, then by around Wednesday of the following week you'd generally find you're close to the weight you were before that great weekend.

There is a small chance you may still end up weighing less at the end of the week, but I wouldn't be concerned if you didn't.

The way I think about it is if I splurge, then the dieting for the week will counter the effect of the splurge. In effect it takes about a week after a splurge to get back to where you were.

That in itself is a good lesson. If you think about it, splurging once a week really means that week is written off in terms of losing weight but you still had to diet for the rest of the week. Not a great outcome really.

So where possible try not to splurge and you'll find the weight continues to come off. If you do splurge, just consider dieting for the week balances the splurge.

The difficult times tend to be Christmas and Easter where we can continue to eat treats over an extended period of time. It is very easy over the Christmas period to put on quite a few kilograms and it takes quite a lot of hard work to get that weight off. Watch those periods where those less nutritious food (OK, junk food) are available in plenty for an extended period of time.

Don't beat yourself over having a good time. Life is for living and you can't stop living just because you're dieting, but do try to keep those moments of excess to a minimum.

Recently it was my birthday and we went out as a family for a lovely meal and show. Followed with another day with relatives and other activities and I'd put on nearly a kilogram. Having also lost focus on dieting I tended to nibble a little more than desired. (OK, more like a binge on M&M's.) However, I largely kept to the diet and by the end of the week I was back to close to the weight I'd achieved the week before. When you fall off the horse don't worry. The horse will still be there. Just get back on when you're ready.

Kelvin Eldridge 

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